Friday, May 26, 2006

Too much TV?

I've been watching the picture box with Mom this evening, and we were watching pictures of people helping dogs and, yeah...C-A-T-S. I suppose if dogs could cry like humans I Mom might have noticed, but some of the tales were sad, downright sad.

I am SOOOOO glad Mom came and got me when she did. I've got it pretty good. Except for those rides in that big metal thing she does those errands in. When I go in that thing its never a good thing. Its' either going to the place where they poke, and prod me...although I have to admit they are nice to me. Sometimes I get to meet other dogs too, that's pretty cool but then...there are C-A-T-S too. Not real crazy about them. But I usually end up feeling better after I have been to that place...wonder why that is???? Hmmm.

I've noticed on the picture box when we watch the stories about other animals and how badly they are treated by their humans, it makes Mom mad. Probably not the best thing for her blood pressure...whatever that is. But for me, it's good to know that help is out there for me and my kind. Makes me thankful for where I am and who I own.

The other time I go in the big metal box is to the place where some stranger gives me bath, puts me in the wind tunnel thing and then cuts my body hair. I tell you, sometimes they get a LITTLE too close for my doggy comfort, let me tell ya...yep. But no damage has been done to me bodily, thank the Maker!

I don't particularly care for going to the fluff and buff place but I think it's because Mom has to leave me there for a while by myself, well, at least with strangers. Maybe its a flashback to when I was given up and feeling left all by myself. But it gets a little better each time because Mom always, without fail, comes back for me. And she is always so glad to see me! She opens the hole in the top of the big metal box and lets the wind in. Ohhhh, gotta love the wind, guy, it is what a dog lives for! A nice stiff breeze through the facial fur does the trick!

When I watch the picture box from my cuddler and blankies by Mom's chair, I often hear about things called "humane society", and "aspca" [I'm just repeating what I hear]. They sound like they are places that are good and treat us well; they take care of us if we are sick or hurt, especially when our humans don't take care of us or deliberately hurt us. That I just don't get. Oh well.

ARRRRawww....boy, am I sleepy...again. I have lost count of my naps so I better take another one...I may have missed one. Hang paws, and talk to you again soon....chuff, snuff.....chuffffffff.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Hi, my name is Wigwag and I am a Shih Tzu. My human, CW, found me at the Jackson County Animal Shelter, ready to be given up by a mom and her pups. They were having to move to an apartment and couldn't keep me or my brother. I was so young then, I can't remember his name but he was very shy and was scared. I tried to tell him it would be ok. Last I heard he was in a loving family in Talent, Oregon. I am glad for him, as all of us deserve a good home.
Now, about ME! I am adorable, cut a dashing figure, and I am furry and good. I like to sleep as much as possible and go on my walks, on a semi-regular basis. I love shouting at Maggie across the street [she is an awesomely sexy bearded collie...sigh...a bit on the tall side but I can overlook architectural appearances to see the real inner dog].

Mom said I could post whatever I want about any topic except sex because, frankly I don't know what that is and she isn't telling. She said it isn't' important for me especially since I don't have any "crown jewels", whatever they are...or were...hmm.

[Note to self: self, look up this phrase in Canine Dictionary by King Charles Spaniel...yeah...].

I am sure I will become more creative in my posts once I get the paw of it. Mom is kindly playing secretary and typologist for me since if I tried to type this stuff I would end up doing what Noodle does at the Geranium Farm, "LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL". That's Noodle, Barbara's cat. Idiot cats...oops, sorry, promised no name calling.

I am a dog of faith according to my Mom. There are, however, things that Mom doesn't know about me, like, I am only in doggy mode when she is awake. You see, I talk to Maker when she's not around...which seems to be a bit frequently when she is out gardening, or running those mysterious errands and so forth. Anyway, I digress...
I am actually here with Mom because Maker knew I would be of help to her when times got tough, and they have been pretty darn tough this last year. Yeah, she has other humans that help out, but its us "pets" that really help and do the hard work when no one else is around. And that's ok by me. We know EXACTLY what to do at moments like that...yessiree!

I am about 5 and a half human years old which translates into about 35 and half canine years. I have about three beds in the house if you don't count the recliner and sofa, oh and the low to the ground patio lounge with the nice cushion. I also enjoy a nice patch of green grass when the inner dog beckons me back to my wild ancestral beginnings.

Things I like to eat and the vet says is ok because I have a sensitive tummy are lowfat cottage cheese, cultured vanilla yogurt, Iams or Eukanuba kibble, scrambled eggs in olive oil [Mom learned about that from some human home diva named Martha Stewart], well-done Angus hamburger crumbs, just to name a few. I also get ice cubes in my water dish when its hot, inside or out.

I am essentially a good dog, as I don't chase the postal carrier, delivery humans or other humans. I do get excited when humans visit us [its part of being truly hospitable like Mom is, not that she jumps on them or anything]. Occasionally I have an "accident" but I swear IT IS NOT MY FAULT! I will give the resident rabbits a good run for their chow but they always outrun me and will...they tease a lot too but I guess I will just have to put up with it. It's not like I want to hurt them or anything. I just like making friends, like Mom.

Well, that ought to do it for now. Until next time, Hang Paws!