Saturday, January 13, 2007

Human Update with Long-Eared Ones Saga

She's better. Improved. She plays with me more now. She still gets sad sometimes and wants to give up but she doesn't. She worries about me and what would happen to me if something happened to her. I can't let THAT happen!

So I try not to scratch inside my ears. I tolerate the fizzy stuff she puts in them to make them feel better and kill the groaties in there that make them itch. I don't drag my butt on the carpet anymore either. She lays on the floor [but not where I used to drag, you -know-what] with me and talks to me about stuff. I pay dutiful attention as if I know what she's saying. I watch her eyes...they tell the story. I lay down beside her head and sniff her hair...smells like fresh air and sunshine. We exchange puffs of air as we breathe at our rest. She gets the quiet hint and rubs my tummy and back and sides...feels so good. I know I am loved.

This morning, she put the long-eared ones in long boxes with holes in the sides and took them away all day long. They were quiet. I tried to cheer them up before she took them away. They didn't come home with her. I liked visiting them outside. I will get her to tell me what happend to them. I know she didn't hurt them...she's not like that. She is kind and good, always doing things for other creatures and humans too. She doesn't ask much for herself, only some doggy snuggles and wags.

The long-eared ones were very cute, actually. Her's a picture or two of them that I had in my secret furcoat pocket.

...and another of Chappy, who looked after his sister and brother as he got bigger and older...

Mom took some more pictures of them the last couple of days but we don't have them yet. They have grown a lot since September 2006.

Well, I need to go out and take care of things before bedtime. She looks tired from wherever she's been today. I'll make sure nothing troubles her sleep. Bye for now.


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